Kamis, 12 November 2009

Cigarettes, Double Stroke Risk In Women

Young women who smoke run the risk of stroke two-times higher than female non-smokers, while the heaviest smokers among them having nine times the risk is greater, according to a U.S. study.

The study estimates the risk of stroke among women aged 15 to 49 years who smoke cigarettes. Current smokers 2.6 times more likely to have a stroke compared with women who never smoked.

Women who smoke the most highest risk, according to the study, published in the journal of the American Heart Association, Stroke, published last week.

Women who suck 21 to 39 cigarettes per day, for example, face the risk of stroke 4.3 times higher than non-smokers, while those who suck at least two packs per day - 40 cigarettes - at risk of stroke 9.1 times higher than female non-smokers.

Cigarettes have long been known to increase the risk of stroke, and other health hazards such as lung offices or other types of cancer, lung disease and heart disease.

However, Cole said not much is known how the risk of stroke is influenced by the number of cigarettes a person smoked.

Stroke usually attacking older people compared with those in the study but the research shows that, even though the young women, the risk of stroke increased sharply.

The researchers traced 466 women in the United States who had had a stroke and 604 women who had had a stroke and has a tribe, race and the same age.

As many as one-fifth of U.S. women aged 18 to 24 years were smokers

Stroke Know No Gender and Age

Confirmed stroke disease knows no gender, according to one neurologist in a private hospital in Lampung, because the disease is fatal neurological disorder that can only attack women and men, old age or younger.

Neurologist at Immanuel Hospital, Dr. Ruth Mariva mention SpS, stroke not only affects men and older men, but also can strike the women and young people.

He mentioned, a stroke usually occur suddenly or suddenly with symptoms that can range from talking lisp, weak side / whole body, until unconscious.

According to him, cases of stroke were found more and more upon the women and young people.

Although the disease is fatal, he added, it can still be prevented from going to adopt a healthy lifestyle and regular medical treatment.

Explained, the existence of stroke risk factors can not be modified and the element is inherent family history, age, gender, and race.

While the risk factors that can be changed is the medical problems and lifestyle, among which are the symptoms of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol, uric acid, obesity, smoking, lack of exercise, drugs, and blood disorders.

Patients with a stroke that caused brain damage occurred on the left, will result in patient paralysis on the right, interference speak, slow, and memory decline.

Right brain damage, would result in paralysis on the left side of the body, the orientation disorder, memory decline as well.

He said, a stroke can be prevented by controlling risk factors for stroke that is in a person.

Dr. Ruth also said Mariva SpS, hypertension or blood pressure sustained above the normal threshold is a major risk factor for stroke and causes occurred coronary heart disease.

Hypertension often leads to complications that eventually lead to an interruption in the heart, stroke, kidney dysfunction, and arterial disease (peripheral blood vessels).

He mentioned a number of factors that influence occurs in hypertension.

The cause of primary hypertension, namely transcription factors and the environment (lots of salt consumption, alcohol, obesity, lack of exercise, smoking and stress), while secondary hypertension caused by kidney conditions, hormonal problems, medications, and pregnancy.

He also mentioned that nearly 90% of those with primary hypertension is hypertension, while secondary hypertension ranges from 5-10% only, and more than 50% of stroke is hypertension

Create Overweight hard Sleep

Losing weight can dramatically improve and even potentially eliminate the symptoms of sleep disturbance in people who are overweight, according to a study confirm.

According to some researchers, people who have severe sleep disorders who lose the recommended amount of weight, three times more likely to experience a total loss of sleep disorder symptoms than those who did not lose weight.

In the study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the researchers selected 264 adults who are overweight for the experiment. All participants were randomly divided into two groups. One group undergo weight-loss program with portion controlled meals and exercise programs 175 minutes per week.

The second group did not receive advice to lose weight and participate in the diabetes management program. One year later, the group who undergo weight-loss program lost an average of 24 pounds, while the second group only lost weight more than 1 pound.

Those who were in the weight-loss group three times more likely to lose sleep disorders and has about half the serious condition of sleep disturbance compared with the second group. In addition, the study showed that people who are in the second group have symptoms of sleep disorders worse.

"These results show that doctors and patients can expect a big improvement in their symptoms of sleep disturbance with weight loss," said researcher Gary Foster, director of the Center for Obesity Research and Education at Temple University, said in a press release.

"And the reduced symptoms of sleep disturbance has a number of benefits for the health and overall health," he said.

Symptoms The most common sleep disorder occurs in people who are overweight and obese. Sleep disturbance caused loud snoring and sleep disorders as a result of the airways become temporarily blocked during sleep.

If not treated, sleep disorders can also increase the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack


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